Online Tennis Coaching in Dubai

The world of today can be called as the internet world. As everything is done through the internet, the world seems really a small place. Through the online process one can get everything in their hands easily. Let us take the example of tennis practice that too “online”.

Yes, it is possible what you are reading on the screen. Now, one can learn tennis by logging into the website where the training is provided. In this online tennis training one can get several e-books which are written by the tennis instructor, apart from the e-books there are different videos that show the demo of the tennis game on your screen.

Online tennis practice can give you the knowledge of various tennis equipments, and various methods to play a good tennis. There is online tennis training websites that provide lessons about the tennis game. The best thing about the online tennis training is that there is no bondage of time for learning. One can learn it taking their own time. Many have the misconception that learning through tennis training online does not have a feedback process but there also one can chat with the experts and take their opinion to make their game better.

Through the tennis online training and the videos they show one can have the basic techniques of tennis and they teach how to beat the player who is playing on opposite side of you. Even if one is getting knowledge from playing on the field one can get more knowledge from seeing the game shown on the online tennis training. The websites not only give the knowledge about the game but also gives tips about the warm up exercises.

They suggest you some exercises that can help you build your body so that you can play the game in a good manner. About the tennis equipment many of us do not have a clear conception. But logging to the tennis training online can help us in this concept also.

Athletic Kings one of the best Tennis Coaching Club in Dubai. We are offer Tennis Club Dubai & Dubai Tennis Academy

How To Teach Your Kid Tennis

Tennis is a great sport and very few people can argue with that statement. It has all the challenge of competition as well as being a great exercise with a lot of cardiovascular activity. It’s the type of sport that kids would enjoy playing. It isn’t that difficult to learn, but the person doing the teaching should be able to interact easily with younger people. A tennis lesson for a kid is really quite different from an adult tennis lessons.

There are a number of places to play tennis. Singapore has quite a few so that arranging for tennis lessons is not that big of a problem. Finding the right tennis coach for your kid, however, will take a little more time. This person has to be extremely patient. Kids do not have the concentration and mental discipline skills of an older person. They get very easily distracted particularly when things don’t come to them easily.

A good instructor will make the lesson a fun activity so that the child wants to keep trying. The tennis court should never be a place where a youngster doesn’t want to go. The instructor takes his or her young student through the motions gradually. Ground strokes are mastered first and then the overhead swing for beginner tennis. Kids group tennis lessons are sometimes a good way to make the instruction more of a social event where children get to know each other, and learn from watching.

Group tennis lessons can be fun but if the youngster shows a real desire to learn, then private tennis lessons are best. They still have to be as much fun as possible, though. The rules of the game can be communicated as a young person is learning proper technique. Tennis rules are in a class all by themselves and your kid needs to know how important the boundary lines are in the game and how important it is to keep the ball within the boundaries as it is served to the opponent’s side. The child also should appreciate that if the ball bounces more than once on his or her side, the opponent gains a point.

He or she will pretty much understand that failing to hit the ball back over the net will also result in a loss point. Teaching the rules at the same time as technique is being learned helps a child better understand why staying alert is essential to winning a game.

Some parents have visions of professional tennis whenever they see their children do well. That is not a good idea at all and is unfair to the kids. Tennis is meant to be fun at an early age and not an occupation. Putting too much pressure on a budding tennis player will only result in the youngster walking away from the game entirely. Teaching your kid tennis should be enjoyable and the child should think of it as fun. That way, a lifelong attachment to the game can be generated. It also fosters a healthy emotional attachment within the family.

Find the best Dubai Tennis Coaching Program? Contact Athletic Kings Tennis Club provides the Private Tennis Classes & Tennis Coaches and Tennis Lessons in Dubai.

How To Get Started Playing Tennis in Dubai

Playing tennis has long been a preferred method of activity for plenty of people Tennis provides a host of benefits, including stress reduction, improved concentration,and improved hand eye coordination. There likely several tennis courts very near your home, so there is no reason you shouldn’t be out there playing with everybody else. If you’d like get started playing tennis, but aren’t quite sure how, then this article is for you. You’ll learn everything you need to know to get out there and have some fun.

The first step is to learn the rules, and the basics of how to keep score. By watching a tennis match on TV, it can seem confusing, but it’s actually pretty simple. You can check on the Internet for the basics of the rule and how the scoring works. There are also plenty of decent books at your local library that will help you out.

Next, you’ll need to pick up some equipment. You really don’t need much. A good pair of sneakers with some ankle support if you need it, a couple cans of balls, and a tennis racket. Tennis rackets, for beginners at least, are pretty cheap, so don’t worry about the cost. Expect to spend less than fifty bucks for a decent racket.

Now that you’ve got the equipment, you need to learn how to play. There are plenty of ways to do this, from learning on your own with some buddies, to taking some private lessons. Probably the best way is to take a beginners course at your community college. You’ll find plenty of other people who are starting out just like you. You may also find some interesting people to play tennis with later on.

Now you know the rules, you’ve got the equipment, and you have the skills, it’s time to find some people to play with. If you’re lucky, you may have met some people from your class to play with. But if not, you’ll be amazed how many of your friends play, and will want to play with you once you let it be known that you are now a tennis player.

Tennis is a great sport for many reasons. You get plenty of exercise, you get outdoors in the sunshine, and you can benefit from the competitive spirit. It’s much easier to get involved than you think.

Are you Looking Tennis Lessons, Classes & Coaches in Dubai? Athletic Kings Provide Best Tennis Classes, Tennis Lessons, Sessions Prices, Professional Tennis Academy & Tennis Coaches in Dubai.

Tips for Best Tennis Coaching in Dubai

If you coach high school or college tennis right now, I have some great information that I want to share with you guys here today.

Use these tips as a blueprint for starting your tennis program and then update them every 3 months, so that you can stay on top of your program and also you’re coaching game.

That being said, let’s get cracking!

Develop The Vision.

It all starts with you getting a clear vision of what type of tennis program that you want to build.

Picture in your mind, how you want your program to look in 3 years and then in 6 years, down the road

Your vision plan for your program should be written out and then posted up in your office.

Set Team Goals

At the start of every season, set team goals together with your team.

Ask them to take part in the planning and come up with some ideas for your goals for that season.

Never lower your goals either.

Instead push them to dig deeper and reach those goals.

Many coaches set goals, then during the season, they lower them for the players and this is the wrong move to take by coaches.

You job is to push them into their greatness and the only way to do that is to, help them develop grit in themselves!

Coach with Passion.

The more passionate you are about the game, the better results your team will get from your coaching.

My best tennis coaches were all passionate about the game.

There is real authentic power in coaching with passion.

It’s so contagious, that many of them will over achieve in their careers with you.

I would make that my main coaching theme for every team.

Bring passion to practice and bring even more passion to your team matches.

The main goal is to have fun with your team!

Tennis is the greatest sport in the world and when coaches are coaching with passion, the players are playing with passion.

It’s like the “Law of Circulation”.

What comes around goes around the team!

So what do you guys think?

Those are my top 3, now you may disagree with them, but at least try them out first and then see what happens from there.

I wish you guys the best of luck in your careers.

Before you go though, I have a few questions for you guys.

Why are you coaching and is tennis your passion?

If that answer is no, then go find out what it is and go coach that!

Good luck with the season coach!!

Athletic Kings, one of Dubai’s most popular tennis academies, is the tennis training academy that you can choose for training and honing your tennis skills. Be it a Best Tennis Coaching in Dubai or the best Tennis Court in Dubai

The Great Sport of Tennis in Dubai

Tennis is rapidly becoming one of the most popular sports in the world. There are a growing number of young children and teenagers entering the sport at an amateur and semi-professional level. And the number of competitions around the world is also increasing.

While this is partly due to the large amount of prize money available in these competitions, there is also huge opportunity for young players to become rich and famous through lucrative sponsorship deals.

Many of the professional tennis players achieve cult hero status and are revered by children and adults alike. Winning the US open is similar to winning an Academy award, and champion tennis players can expect to be treated like rock stars when they are noticed by their adoring fans.

This may appear to be a cynical reason for taking up the sport, but playing tennis at a professional level isn’t a bad way to make a living.

Tennis is also an extremely enjoyable sport for those people who just want to get out and hit some balls on the weekend. It is easy to learn, fun to play, and relatively inexpensive. There are always more expensive rackets shoes and clothes you can buy but these are not necessary if you just want to have some fun.

Tennis is a great family game; you can have from two to four players at varying skill levels and still have a challenging and enjoyable time. Children can pick up the rules and techniques very quickly and rapidly progress to a proficient level as long as they enjoy what they are doing.

Athletic Kings, one of Dubai & most popular tennis academies, is the tennis training academy that you can choose for training and honing your tennis skills.

Top Tennis Tips in Dubai

If you want to get better at tennis, you need to focus on a combination of hard work and skill improvement. It’s impossible to get better without working hard and you won’t make much progress until you refine your skills. With that in mind, what should players do to get better at the game? Here are some top tennis tips to help you become the player you have the ability to be.

Get a tennis lesson

The first tip might seem like an obvious one, but too many people push it aside. If you want to improve at the game, you need to get a tennis lesson. Teaching professionals can look at your game and figure out where you need improvements. Maybe your problems are in the grip or maybe you have issues with footwork. These are things that can be fixed by a good pro, so you owe it to yourself to give one of them a chance to help you improve. Keep this in mind as you move forward. Lessons also give you a valuable opportunity to practice hard and work on your skills.

Improve your setup

Almost more important than almost anything else is your setup. If you want to be powerful and accurate, you need to set up well to the ball. Whether you are hitting a forehand, backhand, or a volley, make sure your feet are in good position. Work hard on your balance and work on getting to the ball in time. Your feet should be at least shoulder-width apart to give you a chance at solid power.

Nothing beats topspin

Some players wonder the key to having good power and solid accuracy as well. When you go get a tennis lesson, they will have you focus on the topspin portion of your game. You should work hard on rolling over the ball with a full swing. Most tennis pros will tell you that a low to high approach is the best way to hit a good topspin forehand. Keep your focus on starting low and really getting behind the ball. When you come through with a nice follow-through, you will have hit an excellent shot.

Looking for the latest Top Tennis Tips in Dubai? Look no further because Athletickings has them all.

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Tennis Lessons for Kids in Dubai

When looking for a good sport for their child, more and more parents are starting to turn to tennis. Lot of tennis schools now offer preschool tennis programs as well. Here are some of the benefits of playing tennis:

* Obvious one – learning good sportsmanship skills and provides plenty of good exercise

* Improved hand eye coordination

* Teamwork skills

* And finally making decisions in a split second

I enrolled my boy in a tennis school when he was 3 and half. For me, the aim at the age was not to make him tennis professional but to get him introduced to the sport and to let him have fun. It was a half an hour lesson and was held once a week. He loved it – not just the playing part but also interacting with other kids of his same age. Most schools provide racquets at this age. I honestly believe that he gained a lot form it.

As your child gets older, the lesson time will increase and can go up to one hour – and also the duration can increase from once to twice a week – It all depends on how keen your child is. Unlike in preschool programs, most schools expect the players to have their own racquet. Purchase a good racquet as that is the main equipment (apart from the ball) – A good racquet will definitely help them improve their game.

Pick an instructor who works well with your child. And it is important that you also be patient with your child – don’t expect great results from day one – Give it some time and stick with it. Don’t move them around different sports every term. Also try and find a tennis school that is close to where you live. As parents we all know how time and effort consuming it is to take the kids to different activities – so by picking a good school, close to where you live will at least help you save a bit of time and effort.

Some of the tennis schools also offer tennis camps during school holidays. These are really good to improve your child’s existing skills and get more intense training. These are also really good if your kids have some competitions coming up in the near future.

If you like your kids to get some additional practice, you can always play a game of tennis with them yourself. Look for some public tennis courts in your area and grab your racquets and off you go – You not only get some good exercise but also get to spend some good quality family time.

Complete list of Tennis Lessons for Kids & Tennis coaching for kids in Dubai that offers best training in the city. Your kids can now learn from the experts Athletic Kings Tennis Club.

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5 Tips for Tennis Lessons in Dubai

Learning how to play tennis can be difficult, especially when you are fighting against years of instincts and poor technique. With plenty of amateur ‘coaches’ wanting to show you what to do, it can be incredibly easy to develop a poor tennis technique, putting yourself at risk of future injuries and slowing your progress at the same time.

Success at tennis means some relatively rigid techniques and learning styles, and without formal tennis lessons, it is difficult to master the skills required to become a good tennis player. However, with dedication and focus, along with a skilled and accommodating coach, even the biggest tennis newbie could find themselves mastering the game within a couple of coaching seasons.

These five tips will help you get the most from your tennis lessons, no matter which school or private coach you end up going with. Remember, tennis success comes not just from practice but play. Train hard, work on techniques and specific movements, and put it all into practice where it counts: on the court.

★ to improve your in-game confidence, join a league.

You can only improve so much through practice alone. League play doesn’t have to be super competitive, and even the most friendly league can help you develop the confidence required to succeed at tennis. A large portion of in-game ability isn’t just technique and focus, but the confidence and mindset that come with experience in competition. Start by playing friendly games against other students, and then graduate through the ranks to club play and semi-competitive local tennis groups.

★ Master techniques before you put them into practice.

Tennis is a sport that’s very much dependent on proper technique. A bad technique not only hampers your game but leaves you at risk of injuries and long-term muscle damage. Remember, tennis isn’t just a short-term game, and learning the techniques that will keep you healthy for the long term is just as important as mastering the skill shots and techniques that help you win matches.

★ Make your tennis lessons convenient.

A big part of mastering anything is simply showing up. However, when you’re a busy professional, just finding time for tennis lessons can be an effort. To ease the process, try and find a coach that’s nearby, or even better, a coach that can come to you. If you want more dedicated attention during the lesson, private coaching might be the best learning option for you.

★ Pick a coach that gets involved.

There’s only so much that you can gain from practicing drills over and over without assistance. Some coaches don’t seem interested in helping you with the finer details of tennis, and they’re best avoided when it comes to picking a coach for tennis lessons. When looking around different clubs, schools, and independent coaches, be sure to pick someone that gets involved in their coaching, giving direct advice, demonstrations, and helpful tips to students. Learning from the book can only take you so far; learning from a coach will take you the extra distance.

★Balance tennis practice with practical play

There are some skills that you simply can’t master through practice and training alone. The instincts that come with in-game experience, the special shots that can distract and bewilder an opponent, and the psychological games that happen during a match are all things that can only ever be picked up through real tennis. Learning and practicing skills with a coach is important, incredibly so, but balancing it with real games will help you develop your game much faster. If possible, look for a tennis coach that offers a mixture of drills and one-on-one match play.

Athletic Kings conduct both private and group Tennis Lessons in Dubai at an affordable rate. Our tennis training session duration is from 60 to 90 minutes.

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What is the Mental Health Benefits of Playing Tennis?

Tennis is an amazing sport. It is fun to play, it provides a great workout for your body and it helps keep your mind healthy too. Playing tennis regularly with your friends and family, at the best tennis club in Dubai helps you improve your skills and be a better version of yourself.

Apart from bettering your tennis techniques and being a better player, there are many mental health benefits that you can reap by training with a certified private tennis instructor in Dubai. Let us check them out:

1. Helps you Stay Alert

One of the best benefits of playing tennis regularly at the best Padel Tennis Courts in Dubai & Where to Play Tennis & Padel Tennis in Dubai is that it helps in keeping your mind sharp and focussed. While playing tennis, you not only need to hit the ball hard and fast but also to develop a strategy according to the needs of the moment. This helps in providing you with an active mind, which in turn aids your concentration and memory.

2. Better Self-Esteem

Self-esteem or respect for oneself is important in order to grow confidence. Having better confidence helps you take up tasks and challenges. Also, playing tennis is a great physical activity. You can stay in shape, the flexibility of your body will increase, you can improve your speed, stamina, body balance, and more. All these play a great role in helping you feel so good about yourself.

3. Relieves Stress

Our everyday life is filled with activities that could lead to a stressed mind and body. Our work, deadlines, and targets, daily chores, etc. cause unwanted emotions, stress, and anxiety to accumulate in our minds. Stress affects our productivity and we won’t be able to do the things we did earlier. Engaging in regular tennis practice with an experienced private tennis instructor in Dubai helps in giving vent to all the stress in your mind and keeping it calm and healthy.

4. Betters your Mood

Another reason that affects your work productivity is your mood. If you are not feeling in the best mood, you would not be able to see the good in things and even concentrate properly on your tasks. Playing tennis at the best tennis courts in Dubai

helps in releasing endorphins and serotonin in your brain. Endorphin and Serotonin are known to be powerful mood enhancers. They not only provide you with a better mood but also provide many other amazing benefits such as alleviating depression.

5. Socialization

Nothing helps well than meeting new people and making new friends. When you are joining a reputed tennis club in Dubai for tennis training, you can surely make new friends as people will only go to the best. Having a new partner for your tennis match helps you understand the person better, his strengths and weaknesses, which helps you be a better player yourself. Making new friends helps in your personal life too.

These are some of the mental health benefits of playing tennis regularly. If you are looking for the best tennis club in Dubai, with professional tennis courts in Dubai, Athletic Kings is the one for you. We are all about providing quality tennis training for kids and adults who look to make tennis a profession or just trying to enjoy the sport. We provide group sessions, corporate tennis sessions, ladies training sessions, cardio tennis training, semi-private, and private tennis sessions with private tennis instructors in Dubai. Train with us to be the best in your tennis game.

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